So I found myself with 3 sleeping kids... all at once this afternoon (insert singing angels here). We've finally transitioned Stone out of his crib... 2.5 years old... the size of a 5 year old... yea... it was time. And after the pediatrican looked at me like I was on crack because Abel was still sleeping in his rocking bassinet, I figured it was time to transition him into the crib. This meant we needed a new mobile. The Dream Catcher mobile I made for Stone is still around.. somewhere, but all the feathers have been picked apart by little fingers and I wanted something new.
I've been totally drooling over Simon & Ruby's new line. Especially all the new geometric necklaces. The Maggie necklace was the inspiration behind the new mobile.
This was super fast and easy to put together. I promise.. if I can do it, you can too. AND it was FREE, because I had everything on hand. If you had to buy all the supplies, it'd probably cost about $10 total, at most!
Here's what you'll need:
• Felt [I used 6 different colors, you can use as many or little colors as you'd like]
• Embroidery Floss
• Needle
• Embroidery Hoop [only the inner part]
• Liquid Stitch [or any other fabric glue. Super glue would probable work too]
STEP 1: Cut triangles. I cut way too many! I ended up using 68 triangles. I found the most time efficient way to cut these is to draw a triangle onto cardstock and use it as a template. Then trace a line of them down the felt. Just stack up your felt, a few pieces at a time, and cut them all together.
After getting them cut out, you can lay them out to see how you want to string them. Make it random, color blocked or ombré, the choiice is yours.
STEP 2. String the triangles. I peeled away one piece of thread from the floss. Around 1 yard in length. Put three stitches in the triangle, slide it down the floss and grab the next one to be strung.
There are 7 triangles per strand. 9 strands and 1 bunting.
The bunting is done the same way, but instead of stitching through the center, you stitch a long the top.
STEP 3: Take two pieces of embroidery floss and form a +. Set your hoop over the +. Wrap each of the 4 loose strands around where it touches the hoop a few times. Once all four pieces are wrapped, grab the 4 loose ends and lift the hoop. This will form the hanging part. Make sure the hoop is level and tie a knot at the top of the strings.
STEP 4: Start tying the strands of triangles to the embroidery hoop. I placed one in the center. and 8 evenly spaces around the hoop. Try to gauge how long you want them to hang. This isn't that big of a deal yet, but don't make them too short!!! You can trim them up later.
Tie the bunting between two strands from the hanging part.
STEP 5: Once everything is tied up (double knotted) go through and place the triangles how you want them... moving them up or down. Once you have it how you want it, trim off the loose ends at the bottom, pretty close to the bottom triangle.
STEP 6: To keep everything in place, dab some liquid stitch over the knots and stitches. There isn't really a need to do this to every triangle, as they stay pretty well. But, dabbing it along the bottom triangles would ensure no triangles fall off.
That's it. 2 hours, start to finish... tops.
Super simple, super trendy. Would make a fun handmade gift for the expectant mom!
If you make one, I'd love to see it, share your post or link to a picture in the comments.
xoxo (i always whisper "Gossip Girl" after typing that... FYI)
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** for those that have inquired, my handmade dolls are available @