Sep 11, 2011

The BEST Play-Dough Recipe

Have you ever made play dough and it just fell apart?? Well… not this time. This recipe will make play dough that is seriously the closest thing to store-bought  you’ll ever make. No falling apart or drying out (as long as stored in a sealed container). It will last up to 6 months.
The secret to this recipe??  
Two things: First, Cream of Tarter… it’s what helps the dough stay together. and Second, not a lot of salt… all that salt dries out your dough!

Ready to make it? Here we go:

1 C Flour
1 C Water
1/4 C Salt
1 TBSP Vegetable Oil
2 tsp Cream of Tarter
Food Coloring (actual coloring or a kool-aid packet will do)
Sparkles (If you wanna be a fun mom!)
Sauce Pan and Wooden Spoon
Little helping hands.

Pour in all ingredients. (No particular order… each time is different for us.. and it always turns out the same.)
(I used the NEON food coloring… cause everything is better neon… but feel free to use a koolaid packet sitting in your cupboard.)
Stir until everything is mixed well.
Once the mixture is (mostly) clump free. Heat over MEDIUM heat.

Stir. Don’t stop stirring. After a few minutes it will start to clump up. (I’m magic! Purple to Green. hah. Different dough.. same step!)
Stir, Stir Stir.Just keep stirring until the Play Dough is formed. It will  form one big clump.

Remove from heat, and knead by hand. (This is my favorite part! It’s so warm and squishy! hah) Note: I forgot to add sparkles in the mix at the beginning, so I just kneaded the sparkles in and it turned out just fine.
Once cooled it’s ready to go. Package it up for some party favors or stocking stuffers. (Baby food containers work GREAT! The rectangle ones are Gerber and the round ones are Parents Choice)
Or grab your cookie cutters, plastic scissors, rolling pin, etc.. and let your toddler go to town.
What a fun thing to do on a rainy day! Adelyn loves making it. She always thinks she’s baking a cake. hah. The dough is non toxic and edible (it has a bitter taste… you could always add some extract to give it a nice smell and taste… but I didn’t want to give her more incentive to eat the dough. hah)
It’s super fast and easy to make. And I promise… once you make it, you will never buy store bought Play Dough again!
# kristanlynn
I’ve linked up here, here, here and here

UPDATE- answering your questions: 
This recipe yields about a cup and half of dough. 
I use this recipe for each color I make. 
As far as how long it lasts, as long as it is stored right, it should last at leas up to 6 months. I'd suggest wrapping it in plastic wrap (or a Ziploc bag) and then putting it inside your sealed container... and it could last even longer. Every sealed container has air, and air can dry out and/or mold your dough, which is why I suggest wrapping in plastic wrap first.
 I do not store ours in the fridge, but I guess you could if you'd like.

** for those that have inquired, my handmade dolls are available @